The APO team (Parallel Algorithms and optimization) works mainly along the following 5 axes:

The team is also strongly involved in the LabEx CIMI (Laboratory of Excellence). A joint team exists between IRIT and IMT. This is the CASI team focused on scientific computation and numerical simulation.

Since 2014, the APO team and the ALGO team at Cerfacs have also set up a joint laboratory. The objective of this common laboratory is to analyse  and implement  methods to solve problems of interest to Cerfacs, IRIT and their partners. The joint laboratory currently consists of some 20 people, including eight permanent staff from both institutions.

The team is also involved in the 3IA ANITI Institute (Toulouse Artificial and Natural Institute). This project is centred on the  introduction of physical constraints into machine learning algorithms and exploring the associated high-performance computing issues.

Background: The team was created and coordinated by Joseph Noailles. It was then administered by Patrick Amestoy.